
The people elect their representatives to the city’s board at the annual
municipal elections in April of each year.

The mayor of a fourth class city must be at least 25 years of age, a citizen of
the United States, and a resident of the city at least one year prior to their election.

The mayor of a fourth class city is elected by the people at the April municipal
election. Their term of the mayor is two years. Any changes in the term require
voter approval.

The mayor, with the approval of the board of aldermen, has the authority to
appoint a treasurer, city attorney, and such other officers as authorized by
ordinance. Appointive officers may be removed by the mayor at will with the
consent of a majority of all members of the board of aldermen or without the
mayor’s approval or recommendation if approved by a two-thirds vote of all
members elected to the board of aldermen.

The members of the board of a fourth class city are called “aldermen.” The
alderman elected holds office for two years with staggered terms. A member of the
board of aldermen of a fourth class city must be 18 years of age, a citizen of the
United States, and an inhabitant and resident of the city for one year next preceding
his election, and a resident at the time he files and during the time he serves, of the
ward from which he is elected.

Several state statutes set requirements for candidates for municipal office in
regards to the payment of municipal taxes and users fees.

RSMo 115.346 states “…no person shall be certified as a candidate for a
municipal office, nor shall such person’s name appear on the ballot as a
candidate for such office, who shall be in arrears for any unpaid city taxes or
municipal user fees on the last day to file a declaration of candidacy for the

RSMo 71.005 states “No person shall be a candidate for municipal office
unless such person complies with the provisions of section 115.346, RSMo,
regarding payment of municipal taxes or user fees.”

RSMo 79.250 which applies to elected officers in fourth class cities states “No
person shall be elected or appointed to any office who shall at the time be in
arrears for any unpaid city taxes.”

There is no fee to file for office.

The City Clerk presents candidates with forms to complete and sign in her
presence, affirming that the candidate meets the requirements.

Candidates will also be provided with information pertaining to the election,
including forms required by the State.